Low Pressure Cleaning

What is Soft Wash and where is it available in Munster.

Soft Wash is a low pressure cleaning process which uses an environmentally friendly solution specially blended for each cleaning project.  The solution is applied at low pressure so it will not damage painted surfaces, stonework, wood, gutters or roof tiles and our formulated washing services are available in Counties Kerry.

The process is mainly used as an alternative to power washing but on occasions it can be used in conjunction with modern power washing techniques to get the best results.

Softwashing will remove contaminants such as algae, mould, mildews and bacteria that are actually decomposing the surfaces they grow on.  As well as killing the contaminants, softwash will wash away the organic stains leaving your surface stain free.

While softwashing is a relatively new process in Ireland and the UK it has been used in the USA since the late 1980’s.  Now having thoroughly researched the methods and solutions used by the top softwashing companies in the USA we are now in a position to use that knowledge to get the best finish for your surface.  You will receive a high quality service to achieve the required results at an affordable price.  Our work is fully insured and undertaken with a view to safety of customers and their property.

Softwash Cleaning 2-Stage System:

Our Softwash system is a two stage process to clean your driveway, patio or decking, keeping it cleaner than a normal power wash would.  There are a few options.

Softwash with a Blackwash solution followed by a low pressure rinse and a softwash of biocide. This works well when an instant clean is required and when the surface is contaminated with red/green/yellow algae.  It is also best for removing lichens.

Power-wash followed by a Softwash with biocide wash. This works well with a surface which is heavily soiled, has heavy moss or weed growth. It also works on areas that are shaded and will not fully self-cleanse using the biocide only.  The biocide achieves long lasting results that cannot be achieved by power washing alone because the power washing does not kill the spores which rapidly re-colonise leading to your property rapidly looking dirty again.

A single softwash of biocide. This works well when customer wants to save money and is willing to wait some time to see the full cleaning affect.  It is a cheaper option when the job consists of large areas of concrete or tarmac (such as car parks etc.) with medium soiling.  It offers no risk to the public and is very cost effective.  Once clean we can retreat the surface annually or bi-annually so customers can enjoy their property being continually clean and safe avoiding the relatively short  cycle associated with power washing.


Softwashing Monocouche Render, Pebble Dashed Walls and Stone Walls/Work.

During the recent building boom a lot of external walls on apartment blocks and houses were finished off with a coloured render better known as Monocouche. The perceived advantage of this finish was that it would never have to be repainted. Unfortunately over time these walls become dull, discoloured and stained with growths such as red or green algae or lichen. These walls cannot be cleaned with high pressure power washing as it will damage the surface. The same is true for pebble dashed walls or old stone buildings such as Churches etc. Instead we use a low pressure soft washing method whereby you will see an improvement almost immediately. Over a period of time the cleaning process will continue to work and once fully clean the biocide will still work away to keep algae, lichen etc. at bay. This soft wash system will clean painted walls without removing the paint and is much more affordable than having to repaint the building. If you wish we can do a sample area on your property and you will see the results for yourself

Read more about  3 Reasons Soft Wash System

Softwash Lichen (Black Spots) Cleaning:

Softwashing can be used to treat and kill the dreaded black spots (lichen) which prosper on patios and driveways.  The worst effected of these surfaces is usually the porous easily penetrated sandstone paving.  By spraying softwash solution on the surface to kill lichen, these black spots will disappear over a period of time.  Sometimes we use modern power washing techniques to help with this process.  This method is used to clean all types of concrete and paving.

Softwash Roof Cleaning:

The reason your roof looks dark and dirty is not just down to dirt, the main culprit for the staining is a bacteria called Gloeocapsa Magma.  This bacteria causes algae and mildew to appear on your roof, this is followed by moss and lichen. This leads to moss falling on to footpaths, driveways, cars etc.  As well as causing a mess this can also cause health problems with spore colonies from moss transported into your home by foot traffic, pets or blown in by wind.  Wet moss will also add weight to your roof.

To sort out the problem we remove heavy moss by hand off the roof, remove loose moss from gutters, footpaths, lawns etc. Pump a biodegradable biocide onto the roof with a low pressure pump.  This solution starts to work immediately with the microorganisms dead within 15 minutes. It will kill moss, algae and lichens right down to the roots.  Over a period of time the weather will remove all the dead growth from the roof surface.  The length of this cleaning process varies from surface to surface and from area to area depending on exposure to sun, rain, wind etc.  This means you will begin to see results within 14 days and the cleaning process will continue for several months and is usually completed within a year.  This cleaning process continues to keep the roof clean for up to 5 years.  The solution we use is fully approved by the Irish Pesticides Control Division (PCD).  The softwash process we use is far safer, kinder to roof surfaces than power washing and the environmentally friendly biocide ensures your roof will stay clean for longer.

Softwash Decking Cleaning:

Slippery decking can be dangerous as well as unsightly.  Covered with biological growths such as algae, people can slip and break bones.  And of course it is simply unpleasant to sit on a filthy, mouldy decking that was meant to be a joy.

Fortunately a light power wash combined with a softwash of biocide will give neglected decking a new lease of life.  Softwash kills biological growth spores, ensuring the decking will look clean for a considerable time.

Softwash Tennis Courts:

We advise periodic professional maintenance to keep tennis courts looking good.  Biological growths can make the surface very slippery.  Borders and shady areas tend to be more heavily covered with moss.  High pressure power washing is not recommended because it may damage the surface and will not kill all the growth.

Any external business, domestic or sporting facility including astro turf, tennis courts and basketball courts.

First we scrape the worst of the moss off. 

Then we spray our environmentally friendly biocide using low pressure softwash solution.  This will kill all the remaining moss down to the roots.  The biocide will continue to control biological growths over a period of time so surfaces stay cleaner for longer.  If a customer wants the tennis court to look immaculate immediately perhaps because of an approaching tournament we can use a light power wash and then softwash it.  We can treat the surface annually or bi-annually to keep the surface clean.  The solution we use is fully approved by the Irish Pesticides Control Division (PCD) and is safe for children or pets once dry